JOHN D’ONOFRIO: Abdallah’s fight card worth supporting
By John D’Onofrio
LOCKPORT — If a man is to be judged by the company he keeps then Lockport’s Amer Abdallah hangs with some pretty good people.
Lockport’s very finest, including our good Mayor Michael Tucker and some of this communities finest and most respected businessmen, including Dave Ulrich, Tim Mulvey, Dave Mullane, Mark Brooks, Jeff Folckemer, Parker Greenman, Sam Carubba and Mike Molinaro, were on hand Saturday night at Lockport’s over-flowing Kenan Center Arena, supporting a professional fight card — and specifically Abdallah — with more than just their presence, but their sponsorships.And if that still ticks some of you off, too bad.
A Who’s Who of officials and kickboxing and martial arts fighters, coaches, referees and fans — most from this area — put on an incredibly entertaining, competitive sports showcase that was in a word, class.
Lockport’s historical connection to boxing has long since been documented — a deep and personal connected not forgotten by Abdallah, who not only respectfully acknowledges former greats and others in attendance through veteran ring announcer Miles Patterson of Lockport, but showcases them as well. Gasport’s Bo Bilicki once again rolled out his timeless display of old-time Lockport photos and posters that featured past greats including Tommy Hicks, Joe Sansone, Jimmy Duffy, Pat Cuillo and Tony Ventura, who was also on hand with his wife, Lorraine, and happy to be there.
While rain and temperatures fell outdoors, the spotlights shone brightly on this community indoors, where temperatures soared from the anticipation and the astounding attendance.
I couldn’t be any more proud of and impressed with Lockport’s Corey Webster. A respected and clearly “winning” martial arts trainer, the former United States Silver Gloves Champion lost his three-round middleweight “comeback” fight to Jesse Ronson, the Canadian Provincial Champion, but it was a loss that was tempered by the success of his stable of fighters.
Lightweight Jason Pettitte, middleweight Eric Plumeri and welterweight Tyler Clark, all of Lockport, showed tremendous skill and endurance on Saturday night, with Plumeri and Harrison recording one-sided victories. All three train diligently under Webster in the Western New York MMA at the Lockport Athletic & Fitness Center.
Webster’s hard work, both personally and professionally, are paying big dividends, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy (and I couldn’t be happier for his beaming father, Paul).
Lizz Bouchard, Amer’s wife, ran the smoothest professional boxing show I’ve seen to date. There were no delays and no technical problems. The fights followed each other with little or no delay and despite the large number of people, there were no problems, thanks in part to an outstanding security force that included one of Lockport’s finest Rick Provenzano.
To the sadomasochist who always calls here — without leaving his name — to complain whenever Abdallah’s name appears in print as of late, I’ve got more than 2,000 more phone numbers for you to find whom you can spend your free time ranting your insecurities and prejudices.
I’m done writing about the two years Abdallah spent in prison — there, I said it again to appease you, in case you’re already on the phone.
It’s time to move on and I think Saturday’s night’s standing-room-only crowd made that message loud and clear.
It’s not my message. It’s our message. We support Amer Abdallah and we will continue to support his boxing career and any other well-organized boxing events he puts on. If that bothers you, I always respect your opinion, but you’re outnumbered — and out-classed.
The largest crowd I’ve ever seen at the Kenan Arena witnessed the return of not only a great Lockport professional fighter on Saturday night, but the return of that great sport in its purest, exciting, family-oriented best.
Lockport Community Television, with broadcasters Jim Slowey and Danny Sheehan, were on hand to tape the event, which will be rebroadcast at various times throughout the next week.
Watch the fight card for yourself and make up your own mind. I think you’ll come to the same conclusions.
Long live professional boxing in Lockport and continued success and support for Amer Abdallah, the man who brought it all back, and his quest for a second national title.